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Velociraptor is an advanced digital forensic and incident response tool that enhances your visibility into your endpoints.

Lab Setup for Proof of Concept

In this proof of concept, the Velociraptor server was configured on an Ubuntu virtual machine (VM), and the Velociraptor client was configured on a Windows VM. An attack simulation was conducted on the Windows hosts using a Kali machine in a safe and controlled setting.

Note: Do not attempt to replicate the attack emulation demonstrated here unless you are properly trained and it is safe to do so. Unauthorised attack emulation can lead to legal consequences and unintended damage to systems. Always ensure that such activities are conducted by qualified professionals in a secure, isolated environment.

Host OS Role IP Address
Fortigate Fortios 7.6.0 Firewall/Router (WAN) / (LAN)
WazuhServer Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Velociraptor Server
WS2019 Windows Server 2019 Velociraptor Client
Kali Kali Linux 2024.2 Attacker machine


Deploy Velociraptor Server using Self-Signed SSL

Self-Signed SSL

Velociraptor deployments are secured using a self-signed Certificate Authority (CA) that is generated during the initial configuration generation step. The client’s configuration contains the signed CA, which is used to verify all certificates needed during communications.

In self-signed SSL mode, Velociraptor issues its own server certificate using its internal CA. This means the Admin GUI and front end also use a self-signed server certificate.

When to use this method

This type of deployment is most appropriate for on-premises scenarios where internet access is not available or egress is blocked.

Self-Signed Certificates

Self-signed SSL certificates trigger SSL warnings in all web browsers. When accessing the Admin GUI you will receive a certificate warning about the possibility of a MITM attack.

As a precaution, Velociraptor only exports the GUI port on the loopback interface. You may change the GUI.bind_address setting to “” to receive external connections on this port, but this is not recommended. Instead, you should use SSH tunneling to connect to the local loopback interface.

Velociraptor doesn’t support other self-signed SSL certificates, and we don’t recommend attempting to create and upload your own internal self-signed certificate to Velociraptor.

Generate config files for the server and client

Download the latest Velociraptor binary that is compatible for your host architecture from

Change the permission of the Velociraptor binary.

sudo chmod 764 velociraptor-v0.72.0-linux-amd64

Make the directory /opt/velociraptor

sudo mkdir /opt/velociraptor

Generate a new config file by running velociraptor in interactive mode

Select linux for OS

Set Path to the datastore directory as default /opt/velociraptor (hit enter)

Select Self Signed SSL

For the public DNS name of the Master Frontend, enter your IP address (e.g.

For the frontend port, select default port of 8000 (hit enter)

Note: If you are installing Velociraptor server on same machine as where the Splunk Enterprise is installed, set your frontend port to something else (e.g. 7000) to avoid conflict.

For the GUI port, select default port of 8889 (hit enter)

For WebSocket, answer N (hit enter)

For the registry to store the writeback files, answer N (hit enter)

For DynDns provider, answer none (hit enter)

Create GUI username and password

When prompted to create GUI username again, hit enter to end

Set Path to the logs directory as default /opt/velociraptor/logs (hit enter)

For restricting VQL functionality on the server, answer N (hit enter)

For where should I write the server config file, hit enter to set it to server.config.yaml

For where should I write the client config file, hit enter to set it to client.config.yaml

Note the question is actually asking for file name instead of file path.

sudo ./velociraptor-v0.72.0-linux-amd64 config generate -i
#Example output
Welcome to the Velociraptor configuration generator

I will be creating a new deployment configuration for you. I will
begin by identifying what type of deployment you need.

What OS will the server be deployed on?
? Path to the datastore directory. /opt/velociraptor
?  Self Signed SSL
? What is the public DNS name of the Master Frontend (e.g.
? Enter the frontend port to listen on. 8000
? Enter the port for the GUI to listen on. 8889
? Would you like to try the new experimental websocket comms?

Websocket is a bidirectional low latency communication protocol supported by
most modern proxies and load balancers. This method is more efficient and
portable than plain HTTP. Be sure to test this in your environment.
? Would you like to use the registry to store the writeback files? (Experimental) No
? Which DynDns provider do you use? none
? GUI Username or email address to authorize (empty to end): cyber
? GUI Username or email address to authorize (empty to end): 
[INFO] 2024-09-18T20:53:27Z  _    __     __           _                  __ 
[INFO] 2024-09-18T20:53:27Z | |  / /__  / /___  _____(_)________ _____  / /_____  _____ 
[INFO] 2024-09-18T20:53:27Z | | / / _ \/ / __ \/ ___/ / ___/ __ `/ __ \/ __/ __ \/ ___/ 
[INFO] 2024-09-18T20:53:27Z | |/ /  __/ / /_/ / /__/ / /  / /_/ / /_/ / /_/ /_/ / / 
[INFO] 2024-09-18T20:53:27Z |___/\___/_/\____/\___/_/_/   \__,_/ .___/\__/\____/_/ 
[INFO] 2024-09-18T20:53:27Z                                   /_/ 
[INFO] 2024-09-18T20:53:27Z Digging deeper!         
[INFO] 2024-09-18T20:53:27Z This is Velociraptor 0.72.0 built on 2024-04-25T16:09:17Z (7e4da7a) 
[INFO] 2024-09-18T20:53:27Z Generating keys please wait.... 
? Path to the logs directory. /opt/velociraptor/logs
? Do you want to restrict VQL functionality on the server?

This is useful for a shared server where users are not fully trusted.
It removes potentially dangerous plugins like execve(), filesystem access etc.

NOTE: This is an experimental feature only useful in limited situations. If you
do not know you need it select N here!
? Where should I write the server config file? server.config.yaml
? Where should I write the client config file? client.config.yaml

Verify that both server and client config files are generated in the present working directory

#Example output
client.config.yaml  server.config.yaml  velociraptor-v0.72.0-linux-amd64

Copy the config files to /opt/velociraptor directory

sudo cp client.config.yaml /opt/velociraptor
sudo cp server.config.yaml /opt/velociraptor

Edit server.config.yaml in the /opt/velociraptor directory

sudo nano server.config.yaml

Verify that Client: server_urls: is set to https://<IP address>:8000/

Edit GUI: bind address: to point to your Velociraptor server IP address

  bind_port: 8889

Create the Velociraptor server package for deb that included the generated configuration file:

sudo ./velociraptor-v0.72.0-linux-amd64 --config /opt/velociraptor/server.config.yaml debian server --binary velociraptor-v0.72.0-linux-amd64 
#Example output
Creating amd64 server package at velociraptor_server_0.72.0_amd64.deb

Install the server package

sudo dpkg -i velociraptor_server_0.72.0_amd64.deb

This process creates a new user, system user and group called velociraptor

A service is created to automatically start Velociraptor anytime the server is restarted

Verify the /opt/velociraptor is accessible by user and group velociraptor

ls -la /opt/velociraptor/
total 24
drwxr-xr-x. 9 velociraptor velociraptor   175 Aug 28 09:03 .
drwxr-xr-x. 5 root         root            52 Aug 28 07:09 ..
drwx------. 2 velociraptor velociraptor    68 Aug 28 09:03 acl
-rw-------. 1 velociraptor velociraptor  2725 Aug 28 07:19 client.config.yaml
drwx------. 3 velociraptor velociraptor    20 Aug 28 09:03 clients
drwxr-xr-x. 3 velociraptor velociraptor   168 Aug 28 09:03 config
drwx------. 2 velociraptor velociraptor  4096 Aug 28 09:03 logs
drwx------. 3 velociraptor velociraptor    35 Aug 28 09:03 server_artifact_logs
drwx------. 5 velociraptor velociraptor   104 Aug 28 09:03 server_artifacts
-rw-------. 1 velociraptor velociraptor 13172 Aug 28 08:54 server.config.yaml
drwx------. 2 velociraptor velociraptor    29 Aug 28 09:03 users

total 36
drwxr-xr-x 9 velociraptor velociraptor 4096 Sep 19 09:06 .
drwxr-xr-x 5 root         root         4096 Sep 19 08:13 ..
drwx------ 2 velociraptor velociraptor 4096 Sep 19 09:06 acl
drwx------ 3 velociraptor velociraptor 4096 Sep 19 09:06 clients
drwxr-xr-x 3 velociraptor velociraptor 4096 Sep 19 09:06 config
drwx------ 2 velociraptor velociraptor 4096 Sep 19 09:06 logs
drwx------ 3 velociraptor velociraptor 4096 Sep 19 09:06 server_artifact_logs
drwx------ 5 velociraptor velociraptor 4096 Sep 19 09:06 server_artifacts
drwx------ 2 velociraptor velociraptor 4096 Sep 19 09:06 users

Verify velocirpator_server.service is active and running

sudo systemctl status velociraptor_server.service 

Access the Velociraptor by typing https://<IP address>:8889

Sign in with the user you created



Configure Firewall

On CentOS host, run the following command

#Show original state
firewall-cmd --list-all

#Velociraptor ports
firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=8000/tcp --permanent # Frontend
firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=8889/tcp --permanent # Web GUI
firewall-cmd --reload

#Check applied
firewall-cmd --list-all

On Ubuntu, run the following command:

sudo ufw allow 8000/tcp  # syslog TCP
sudo ufw allow 8889/udp  # syslog UDP

#Apply changes
sudo ufw reload

#Enable Firewall
#sudo ufw enable

#Apply changes
sudo ufw status numbered

Configure Velociraptor Client (Windows)

Option 1: Official release MSI

The recommended way to install Velociraptor as a client on Windows is via the release MSI on the Github releases page. Download the Velociraptor MSI (velociraptor-v0.72.0-windows-amd64.msi) . On your Windows host, double-click the msi or run the following command on Command Prompt:

msiexec /i [velociraptor-v0.72.0-windows-amd64.msi](

Navigate to C:\Program Files\Velociraptor and delete the existing client.config.yaml

Transfer client.config.yaml from Linux host to Windows client using your preferred method.

From the Linux host in the /opt/velociraptor folder, host a HTTP server by running:

sudo python3 -m http.server 9999

From Windows client, open PowerShell as Administrator. Change directory into C:\Program Files\Velociraptor and run:

iwr -uri -Outfile client.config.yaml

You will see velociraptor.writeback.yaml appear. If the writeback YAML file does not appear, restart the computer.

Option 2: Configure MSI package via Velociraptor Server

Since the Velociraptor client requires a unique configuration file to identify the location of the server, we can’t package the configuration file in the official release. Therefore, the official MSI does not include a valid configuration file. You will need to modify the MSI to pack your configuration file (that was generated earlier) into it.

Navigate to Velociraptor web GUI. Click on the server icon. Add new collection by clicking + button.


Search for Server.Utils.CreateMSI and click launch. The produced MSI will be available in the Uploaded Files tab.


Click on the filename to download the MSI


Rename the file as velociraptor-v0.72.0-windows-amd64.msi

Transfer the file to your Windows client using your preferred method.

From the Linux host in the downloads folder, host a HTTP server by running:

sudo python3 -m http.server 9999

From Windows client, open PowerShell as Administrator and run:

iwr -uri -Outfile velociraptor-v0.72.0-windows-amd64.msi

If required, create a new rule in Firewall to temporarily allow access on port 9999. Remember to delete the rule after the file transfer.

On your Windows client, double-click the msi or run the following command on Command Prompt:

msiexec /i [velociraptor-v0.72.0-windows-amd64.msi](

Verify client connection

On the Velociraptor Server web GUI, click on the magnifying glass icon and verify that your client is connected.

Any client that has successfully enrolled will show a green light


Introduction to Velociraptor

Creating a Process Hunt

A Windows reverse shell named 1.exe was generated and executed on the Windows Server 2019 host, connecting to the Kali machine. The session was then switched from Command Prompt to PowerShell.

[*] Started reverse TCP handler on 
[*] Command shell session 1 opened ( -> at 2024-09-18 19:56:51 -0400

Shell Banner:
Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.17763.3650]


Windows PowerShell 
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Create New Hunt by clicking Hunt icon and + icon

In the Configure Hunt tab, add the description Process Hunt


In the Select Artifacts tab, search for pstree. Select Generic.System.Pstree

This artifact displays the call chain for every process on the system by traversing the process’s parent ID.


In the same tab, search for pslist and select Windows.System.Pslist

This artifact list processes and their running binaries


In the Configure Parameters tab, Edit Generic.system.Pstree

Select IncludePstree


Select Review then Launch. Select the Hunt and click Play button to launch it.


Once the Hunt is complete (indicated by Total schedules and Finished clients), click the stop button to stop the Hunt.

Check the results on the Notebook tab on web GUI.

As shown in the screenshot below, the suspicious activity is detected.


Alternatively, if you prefer to Download Results as a CSV file and view it in an Excel, this can be done in the Results Section > Download Results

Adding Client Labels

To create a label, click the magnifying glass icon, select the target host, then click the label icon. Name the new label (e.g., windows).


Verify that the label has been created.


Creating a Filename Search Hunt

A malicious PowerShell script called justascript.ps1 was created then removed on Windows client.

Create a new hunt with the description Filename search

For Include Condition, select Match by label

For Include Labels, select windows


On the Select Artifacts tab, type filename and select Windows.Forensics.FilenameSearch


On the Configure Parameters tab, click spanner icon to configure.

In the yaraRule, replace my secret fie.txt with justascript.ps1


Select Review then Launch. Run hunt by clicking the play icon. Once the hunt is finished, stop the hunt by clicking the stop icon. View results in the Notebook tab. Velociraptor detects that the script is in the Recycle bin.


Creating a Hash Hunt

Mimikatz is a tool used to find and steal passwords from Windows computers. The mimikatz.exe was copied over to Windows client and have been renamed as justanexe.exe.

Create a new hunt with the description Hash Hunt

For Include Condition, select Match by label

For Include Labels, select windows


On the Select Artifacts tab, type hash and select Generic.Detection.HashHunter


On the Configure Parameters tab, click spanner icon to configure.

On SHA256List, copy and paste sha256 hash of mimikatz.exe 61c0810a23580cf492a6ba4f7654566108331e7a4134c968c2d6a05261b2d8a1


Select Launch. Run hunt by clicking the play icon. Once the hunt is finished, stop the hunt by clicking the stop icon. View results in the Notebook tab. Velociraptor matches the SHA256 hash with justanexe.exe


